Friday, June 28, 2013

Riding a Bike

Today I was asked why I ride my bike as much and as many miles as I do. My response was really quite simple.I needed to get into shape to start.. BUT then when you think about doing a 100 mile ride for a cause and it may help someone that changes things. So here is the question: If you could ride a bike 100 miles and you knew it would save a child's life from cancer, or some other life threatening disease would you do it? Not to mention in the process you may save your own.. That's why! So since my mom died of cancer, my sister is a cancer survivor as is my step mom,my father has diabetes as does one of my very best friends, last but not least I just Had a friend just collapse from a serious heart issue and Thank God he is still alive but still in the hospital, I will pedal my BUTT off for any worthy cause no matter how far it is if I feel it will help out one person or perhaps save a persons life. Not to mention in the process I will be prolonging my own life so I can enjoy my family,children,grand children as long as I can..

Thursday, June 6, 2013

A great week at MAIPP

Just finishing a great week a MAIPP, a few outdoor photos of our model Sam.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

An amazing Man as well as an artist and a Vietnam Veteran

Everyday in this profession we get to meet cool people, today I had the chance to meet and photograph a truly amazing man. Having the chance to photograph a man like this was an honor. He wore his VietnamVeteran hat from serving in Vietnam and one of the students in the class said, Thank you for your service, he responded by saying " No one ever said thank you to him until a few years ago, that hit me like a ton of bricks, the reality of what that generation of people have endured out of shear ignorance by those which did not support the troops that served in Vietnam.... Thank you Paul for your years of Military service and also for allowing me to photograph you. I hope you enjoy these images.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Friday, May 31, 2013

Just The Facts

Wow as I sit here eating lunch and packing up my gear for my trip to Iowa to teach at MAIPP this year, its hard to believe a year has gone by since last years class. Funny how time just flys by. I am really honored to be back at MAIPP again this year, when I started doing these classes I wondered why would anyone want me to teach a class to anyone about art and photography. The one thing I will say is I learn new things every time I teach a class and that's really what it is all about, people sharing with other people. Someday I will look back and say to myself "WOW I was able to do that once" and hopefully I will have helped mentor someone to become successful in what they are doing in their life, as my Mom and Dad did for me as well as some of the great photographers I have studied with and learned so much from. Looking forward to seeing everyone this week at MAIPP it will be a Great week.. I also what to Thank ACI ( American Color Imaging . for making this all happen year after year.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Keeping it Simple

Over the weekend I finished this a small set of images. In this session I went back to my roots of plain black and white and as little photoshop as possible with a digital file. It is so refreshing to me to be able to do this and not have to have all the photoshop and other filters and garbage out there to try to help make a photograph look good and artistic.. Just shows you what you can do with good lighting, proper exposure and vision. I will be at Maipp in Iowa next week teaching David Deutsch and we will be teaching all these great priciples and techniques.. hope to see you there.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Being in New England

Being here in the Boston area / Cape Cod this week has been great for all of us at the NEIPP school, however I will say it was tainted badly by the events at the Boston Marathon and we should all keep those people who's lives were changed forever due to the ignorance and cowardly act of someone that would attack and harm so many innocent people for no reason. I know I'll be leaving here with a very heavy heart and keeping those who have lost so much this week....When I get home i know I will be hugging my children those close to me not taking for granted any moment i have with them...

Saturday, April 13, 2013

NEIPP 2013

Well it's 2013 and here I am on Cape Cod ready for another fantastic year teaching at NEIPP. I am really looking forward to anoter fantastic class and creating some great images with the photograpers in our class.