Tuesday, January 3, 2012

First post on this Blog, I can assure yout it will get more interesting as it goes.

I was asked several times about a blog last year, never had I even thought or considered it. Some friends of mine seem to think I have things in my head that others may be interested in, well I am not sure about that however I do have things in my head, they may give you nightmares as you follow me, they may give you an awesome cooking recipe and you may even learn what makes me tick in the photographic world as well as in my photographic mind. There will be the occasional rants on politics, religion and whatever else may set me off from one day to the next. So with that said, sit back, hang on and enjoy the next year. The image I posted today is Titled : " The Stand "  I posted it today because it's a beautiful sunny and snowy day here in Michigan today.


  1. Jim, I am so excited for you on your new endeavors with this Blog. I am so proud of you and am looking forward to following you throughout the year! Best of Luck! Love you!
